Saturday, September 17, 2011

Coming Back To My Own

This week was an interesting week. I sat down and reflected big time on where I am, what I am doing, how I got there, and if I am happy with my situation. This doesn't mean I don't like teaching or my means that I was having some issues with me. There has been some behaviors starting up and they needed to be stopped. The kids are now getting over the honeymoon stage of the year and some are showing their true colors and trying to bring others into their little coven with that. I used to have very very very little discipline problems and now they are beginning to get rampant.
I sat and questioned what changed? I think that the past two years has taken so much away from who I am as a teacher that I am either scared to be the old me or I lost much of that. Being disciplined myself for writing up a kid who has cursed at me several times or refused to stop behaviors or do work has changed me. I do not want to be forced out of teaching because I am too mean or too demanding so I am constantly questioning if I am doing the right thing. I asked my administrator on Friday if documentation of the behavior would allow me to write them up. She kind of gave me a strange look and I told her I got in trouble with my last school for writing a kid up so I was a little scared to do it. I am just tolerating it. She told me if I follow procedures and they break the rules, then that is what I am to do. WHAT A CHANGE!
This past week, I called parents during planning everyday. I am going to get more control and take on the world now! HELP?? :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A New Short Week

It is the start of another week, but one without a Monday! (that is always good) Some spoiled little dog woke me up at 5 to go out, so now I am pretty much unable to sleep so I am here working and about to get ready for school.
The past week has been fairly challenging to me. I know they will be conducting walkthroughs, but I never feel prepared enough. I have to learn social studies to teach it and it feels like I am barely getting anything accomplished, especially with Class 3. I am guessing it is because I am out of my comfort zone and I expect them to know so many things they don't (of course they didn't in 7th either). I am sure I will get the hang of things, but it seems to be taking longer than I thought. I am getting into real material and hopefully this will make me feel more at ease! Who knows?